Recently I needed to call XMLRPC functions from an ASP server.
There is a nice XMLRPC library available from David Carter-Tod but I had a small problem with it.
It messed up the UTF8 encoding of my strings.
I’m sure that I’m not the only one with this problem, so here’s a simple solution:
Just add the following line at the beginning of the xmlrpc.asp file:

<%@ CodePage=65001 %>

Simple and effective 🙂

DevShed – Using PHP With LDAP
A nice tutorial on how to use LDAP in PHP.

In case you’re not familiar with LDAP, it is a protocol designed to allow quick, efficient searches of directory services. Built around Internet technologies, LDAP makes it possible to easily update and query directory services over standard TCP/IP connections, and includes a host of powerful features, including security, access control, data replication and support for Unicode.