Calibrated Background Noise Generators | Online & Free

Noise machines are great for blocking out background noises whether you’re trying to work, study, relax, or even sleep. Compared to conventional noise blocking machines, myNoise noise generators can be shaped to the frequency characteristics of the environmental noise one needs to block, and therefore achieve a better camouflage, or – in other words – a greater masking efficiency at quieter levels.

Mozart’s Musikalisches Würfelspiel

In 1787, Mozart wrote the measures and instructions for a musical composition dice game. The idea is to cut and paste pre-written measures of music together to create a Minuet.

This site is an implementation of such a game. The music and table of rules for this game appear to have been published anonymously in 1787, and interestingly, the table of rules for this Minuet is identical to Mozart’s. However, it is not clear who the composer of these measures is.

There are 176 possible Minuet measures and 96 possible Trio measures to choose from. The result of a dice roll is looked up in a table of rules to determine which measure to play.


The ad generator is a generative artwork that dynamically creates fake advertisements in order to explore how advertising language constructs and manipulates meaning. Words and semantic structures from real corporate slogans are remixed to generate invented slogans, which are then paired with related images from Flickr, thereby creating fake advertisements on the fly.