Apache Rave

Apache Rave is a new web and social mashup engine. It will provide an out-of-the-box as well as an extendible lightweight Java platform to host, serve and aggregate (Open)Social Gadgets and services through a highly customizable and Web 2.0 friendly front-end. Rave is targeted as engine for internet and intranet portals and as building block to provide context-aware personalization and collaboration features for multi-site/multi-channel (mobile) oriented and content driven websites and (social) network oriented services and platforms. For the OpenSocial container and services the (Java) Apache Shindig will be integrated. At a later stage further generalization is envisioned to also transparently support W3C Widgets using Apache Wookie.

PubNub: Blog Stackhack

With the emergence of HTML5, WebGL, and other browser-based 3D technologies, the way we think about browsers is quickly shifting. To me, making badass graphics in a browser is a rad prospect, but a hard one. Unless you have a pretty deep understanding of shaders, vertex buffers, matrix transformations and the like, it can be overwhelming just to approach it.

Best Practices for HTTP API evolvability

REST is the architectural style of the Web, and closely related to REST is the concept of a HTTP API. A HTTP API is a programmer-oriented interface to a specific service, and is known by other names such as a RESTful service contract, resource-oriented architecture, or a URI Space.

I say closely related because most HTTP APIs do not comply with the uniform interface constraint in it’s strictest sense, which would demand that the interface be “standard” – or in practice: Consistent enough between different services that clients and services can obtain significant network effects. I won’t dwell on this!

One thing we know is that these APIs will change, so what can we do at a technical level to deal with these changes as they occur?


FlyJSONP is a small JavaScript library, 2.38KB (1.13KB gzipped), that allows you to do cross-domain GET and POST requests with remote services that support JSONP, and get a JSON response.

A Gentle Introduction to Gearman and its Concepts

Gearman (an anagram for “Manager”) is a system for farming out work units to several different servers (or several processes on one server), allowing the calling code to do something completely different while the task is performed. Gearman is not intended for inter-process communication, but is a way to tell other processes that there are work available, and letting these processes (called workers) grab a piece of work for themselves.

Making APIs Faster: Introducing Partial Response and Partial Update – The official Google Code blog

It’s easy to understand the benefit of partial response and partial update. Imagine that you are writing a new Android calendar widget, and you want to display the time and title of the recently changed events on your Google Calendar. With the old Calendar Data API, you would request your calendar’s events feed and receive a large amount of information in response — including lots of extra data like the attendee list and the event description.

Jargon in REST

Only by increasing the quality of agreements and understanding between humans can our machines come to communicate more effectively and with reduced effort. It is the task of humans to reduce the jargon that exists in our agreements, to increase our coupling to independently-defined communication facets, and to reduce our coupling to service-specific or inventory-specific facets.

maccman’s juggernaut at master – GitHub

Juggernaut lets you push data to browser, which means you can do awesome things like multiplayer gaming, chat, realtime collaboration and more! Juggernaut is super simple and easy to get going.
* node.js server
* Ruby client
* Supports the following protocols:
* WebSocket
* Adobe Flash Socket
* ActiveX HTMLFile (IE)
* Server-Sent Events (Opera)
* XHR with multipart encoding
* XHR with long-polling
* Reconnection support

Server2Go – Self configurable WAMPP Stack

Server2Go is a Webserver that runs out of the box without any installation and on write protected media. This means that web applications based on Server2Go can be used directly from cdrom, a usb stick or from any folder on a hard disk without the hassle of configuring Apache, PHP or MySQL.
Server2Go allows you to create a standalone working web site or PHP application on a CD-ROM.

creationix’s nstore at master – GitHub

A simple in-process key/value document store for node.js. nStore uses a safe append-only data format for quick inserts, updates, and deletes. Also a index of all documents and their exact location on the disk is stored in in memory for fast reads of any document. This append-only file format means that you can do online backups of the datastore using simple tools like rsync. The file is always in a consistent state.

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