Rebooting the RSS cloud

There are three sides to the cloud:

1. The authoring tool. I edit and update a feed. It contains a element that says how a subscriber should request to notification of updates.

2. The cloud. It is notified of an update, and then in turn notifies all subscribers.

3. The subscriber. A feed reader, aggregator, whatever — that subscribes to feeds that may or may not be part of a cloud.

Old RSS push gets new momentum thanks to


ZebraFeeds is a web-based RSS/ATOM aggregator.
With ZebraFeeds, you can aggregate news from your subscribed newsfeeds into one or more pages.

* Supports ATOM/RSS/RDF feeds (through MagpieRSS)
* Output customizable by templates
* Administration interface (with cookie or server-based authentication)
* Share and republish feeds by RSS and Javascript
* Support for podcasting and videocasting (RSS enclosures)
* Supports refreshing feeds by scheduled task (cronjob)
* News sortable by channel or by date (with news selection options, based on date or keywords)
* Uses only flat-text-files, and works without SQL database

Argotic Syndication Framework – Home

A powerful and extensible .NET web content syndication framework for RSS, Atom, OPML, APML, BlogML, RSD and more. The Argotic Syndication Framework is a Microsoft .NET class library framework that enables developers to easily consume and/or generate syndicated content from within their own applications. The framework makes the reading and writing syndicated content in common formats such as RSS, Atom, OPML, APML, BlogML, and RSD very easy while still remaining extensible enough to support common/custom extensions to the syndication publishing formats. The framework includes out-of-the-box implementations of the most commonly used syndication extensions, network clients for sending and receiving peer-to-peer notification protocol messages; as well as HTTP handlers, modules, services and controls that provide rich syndication functionality to ASP.NET developers.


Getting RDF data on the web can be hard to convince people to do, or to do correctly (see RSS). This service helps convert formats as need be and lets you access embedded RDF via GRDDL (such as microformats when they have a transformation) without the need to pre-process it yourself.

Everything that Triplr generates is available via a simple GET at a URI, so you can cut and paste them, ‘wget’ or ‘curl’ them and thus easily get the data into into your own web application without additional code.