I’ve made some small adjustments to this blog.
The number based URL’s are from now on redirected to human readable ones. I’m curious if it really does give the good vibes to search engines. It sure makes interpreting statistics easier.
I’ve also added a small toolbox under each article that links out. It shows a snapshot of the link and a couple of useful references, which i.e. help to find an archived version of the page easily, in case the link got stale. This toolbox is visible only on article pages, not on the main page.

The day has come again to introduce a new skin for this blog.
Actually, a completely new back end.
I’ve rewritten the whole blog from scratch using codeigniter as the framework and it was a real pleasure to work with. The front end, on the other hand, is using some moofx trickery to move things around.
So good bye b2, you’ve done well and I’m grateful for that.

I’m using this blog as a linkdump and I need to be able to find stuff when I need it, so I’ve built in some features that work for me. If they work for any of you guys and gals visiting my blog, just browse around and enjoy your stay.

Oh and last change, the blog has moved to a new domain, blog.satyr.nl.

Yes, I guess it’s that time of the year again. :o)

The blog is getting new looks and I’ve used the opportunity to include some minor improvements too.

This theme is finally more colorful again thanks to Flickr image sharing service.
And to compensate for the recent lack of visual stimuli, it’s a lot more colofrul 😉

Behid the scenes a lot has changed.
The CSS is completely rewritten to be leaner and cleaner.
Javascript Behaviors are introduced to provide a framework for subtle UI improvements.
This has immediate positive effect on the live search. The site now collects clicktrough info on each URL and shows the most relevant articles first.

Bye bye Frosty Marsh Moss, welcome Minimalism.

The default skin of my blog is changing.
This minimal skin was available before, it’s only slightly modified to give more space to the content.

I hope you don’t dislike this design. The moss pic was eating my bandwidth away. When my account catches breath, I might come some with something more colorful again :o).

To those of my fellow visitors who liked the moss skin:
It’s not gone. It’s just less prominent now.
Please feel free to bookmark this site using the good old frosty juicy moss skin; it should still be available for quite some time.

And as every year around this time, a small redesign.
I’ve made the photo in the bubbling swamps of the Amsterdam Forrest 🙂
The archive was getting a bit too long, so it’s a dropdown list now.
The rest stays the same; mostly notes to myself, linkdump, occasionally a little rant.
Enjoy. I do.

BTW, the old theme is not gone, it still lingers around here

Well it’s almost a year since the last redesign, so a new one is due 😉

This blog is mostly used as a linkdump and “notes to self”, but there are around thousand hits on it every day.

So I hope you guys and gals like the new, ‘lighter’ look.

As usually, feel free to comment :o)

Every proper blogger must redesign the blog at least four times a year :o))
So here’s my new design.

The CSS is smarter and simpler, and all important fonts have relative size.
This means that you can hold CTRL and scroll the mousewheel to change the font size. The default font is also slightly larger.
The photo was taking too much space and not everyone enjoys my “subtle looks”, so I’ve decided to use one that’s showing my softer side ;o)

Do you like it?
Do you hate it?
Do you want the intimidating picture back?

Feel free to add comments

Good news for all of you who read my blog from work:

You can switch off specific categories!

Each category has a number. You can see the number in the URL when you hover over the list of categories.

You can specify categories which you DO NOT WANT to see by using following form of URL parameters:

http://www.madbutcher.tk/?cat=-2 – this will switch off “Not Safe For Work”

http://www.madbutcher.tk/?cat=-2 9 – this will switch off “Not Safe For Work” and “Funny and Weird”

cool eh? 😉

I should have been reading this before the “Big Move” shouldn’t I 😉 And what’s even worse, I have a sneeking suspition that I’ve had this link on the blog before…
Nevermind, it is well worth reading if you need a CMS.

OK, as it seems, I’ve found the right blog for the job. It’s called B2.
I’m experimenting. If everything’s OK, I might be on-line with the the new beast tomorrow…

What was wrong with Geeklog? Actually nothing. I just did not realise that it follows the “Slashdot” paradigm, while my blog is a linkblog.
I will still use Geeklog, just not for this blog :o)

B2 is very simple, but has a couple of GREAT features:

  • Import from Blogger. Invaluable.
  • Picture upload. Finally a linkblog that supports this.
  • Categories. Great idea, IMHO not realy finished yet. I need a possibility for users to switch off a specific category (e.g. Not Safe For Work)
  • Posting into future. Allows dirty tricks
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