howler.js – Modern Web Audio Javascript Library – GoldFire Studios

Defaults to Web Audio API
Falls back to HTML5 Audio
Supports multiple file formats to support all browsers
Automatic caching for Web Audio API
Implements cache pool for HTML5 Audio
Per-sound and global mute/unmute and volume control
Playback of multiple sounds at the same time
Easy sound sprite definition and playback
Fade in/out sounds
Methods can be chained
Uses no outside libraries, just pure Javascript
Lightweight, 7kb filesize (2kb gzipped)


NAudio is an open source .NET audio and MIDI library, containing dozens of useful audio related classes intended to speed development of audio related utilities in .NET. It has been in development since 2001 and has grown to include a wide variety of features.

Practicing with an Irish Flute: Video Series |

In this free video series learn how to practice your skills playing the Irish Flute from professional Irish Flute player David Cantieni. Watch these videos to learn how to produce good tone on the Irish flute, how to breath deeply while playing the Irish flute, how to exercise your fingers, how to produce even sounding rolls on the Irish flute, how to use a metronome to practice rolls on the Irish flute, how to improve your rhythm, how to increase your tempo when playing the Irish flute, and how to play a difficult traditional Irish song.

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