
WILDERLAND (WL) allows you to see what’s REALLY going on in this wonderful world created by Veronika Megler and Philip Mitchell in 1982 at Melbourne House. It runs the original game code in a rudimentary Spectrum emulator, while displaying the state of objects and animals, the current positions of the latter, and a log what all the other creatures (NPC) do while Bilbo is in one place.


Mibbu gives you everything you need for fast prototyping your Javascript game in just 4.35KB of code. Games created with Mibbu can be displayed using Canvas or DOM mode (you can change it with one single function, or use feature detection to use DOM where it is n canvas, like in IE family).

Another World JS

Another World (or, Out of This World) is a wonderful game developed by Eric Chahi and released in 1991.

I have some kind of obsession with this game. During the years, I ported various versions of the game (3DO, PC, hires) to a handful of platforms: PSP, PS2, GBA and PC. Here is my new pure Javascript implementation. No plugins, no ActiveX, no Flash. Just need a modern browser (Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera) and you’re good to go.

Using genetic algorithms to find Starcraft 2 build orders

Over on a forum called teamliquid, a user by the name of Lomilar posted a fairly long thread about a program he had written that optimized build orders for the zerg race in starcraft. He eventually cleaned up his code and posted the code to googlecode. The program is called EvolutionChamber (a clever name, as it’s the name of one of the buildings in the game), and it uses genetic algorithms to find build orders.

The Pac-Man Dossier

This web page is dedicated to providing Pac-Man players of all skill levels with the most complete and detailed study of the game possible. New discoveries found during the research for this page in December 2008 have allowed for the clearest view yet of the actual ghost behavior and pathfinding logic used by the game.


Undum is a tool for writing hypertext interactive fiction. It has some unique features and a visual design that encourages narrative games.

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