Sexual Moments in Video Game History

Video Games and Sex. In recent years, it seems like the two have been going together like peanut butter and jelly. Grape jelly. With recent titles such as “Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball” and “BMX XXX”, it’s obvious that sex sells … especially to horny little gamer geeks. Back in the day, however, this was not quite the case. Well, at least not intentionally… most of the time.


The erotics of type

From the simple figure 69, to elaborate tongue-in-cheek exercises like Michael Worthington’s ‘Dominatrix’ typeface, typographers and type designers as well as readers (and censors) have used letters and ciphers to suggest ‘prurient’ content. Throughout the history of typography, the ‘abstract’ medium of type is employed to evoke eroticism, not by merely using the obvious words, but by using the letterforms: Copulating letters, erotic ligatures and the dot.

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